Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (193-204)
The influence of reason of state (national interest) on the observance of human rights
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Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Józefów, Polan
The subject of this study is a discussion about the influence of the state reason or national interest on the content and respect of human rights. Each state is guided by its own national interest. The very notion of “reason of state” is an expression of the specific interest of the ruling group. The aim of the study is to show the dependence of human rights from the politicized concept of “reason of state”. In fact, the reason of state (national interest) is the ideology of the ruling group, whose aim is to gain the public support and maintain power. The work uses such methods as: analysis of legal provisions, functional method, descriptive method and legal-comparative methods. Contemporary dominant ideologies are: the rule of law, a democratic state, a social state, a secular state or a democratic state of law. Europe, totally, departed from Christian ideology, which even in the 1960s was widely present in the constitutions and programs of many political parties. Human rights are a system of values to which various ideologies now quite commonly refer to. The subject of this study is to show the influence of various state interests on the shaping of the content of selected human rights, in particular the right to live, the right to freedom of speech and expression or the right for participation in scientific research or the use of scientific achievements.
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