Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (127-150)
Security and law – means the Communists repression in Poland
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej w Józefowie
The following article presents an attempt to verify some legal acts from the years 1944-1956, which were penalized social, political and economic life in Poland under the Communists in the postwar period. The Communists have never concealed that the criminal law has a significant role to play in achieving political and economic objectives of the new government and in building foundations of postwar Polish political system. They have designated the law of the function of destroying the political opposition and creating new economic reality. By using the criminal law the Communists tried to solve a variety of economic problems which in a normal economy would be self-regulated by market mechanisms. Penalties were supposed to be the cure for efficient management. However, the special role of criminal law was to protect the communist regime and to destroy the political opposition. The law has become one of the most important means of repression (the death penalty was provided in nearly forty articles) in the changed Polish political realities after the 1944. The highest number of death sentences was ruled by Military District Courts established at the beginning of 1946. Some jurisdictions operate till the 1970s. Law was based on injustice, judiciary on the repression and the crime. The country was used to destroy the society. It has become a negation of the state and has become its malevolent imitation, relying on violence, untruth and pretenses. Above all the criminal law would have an impact on the weakening the security of Poland – and thus a total of intimidation.
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