Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (119-130)
Cyberbullying - the new menace of civilization amongst children and young people
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Completely new factors threatening the normal development of children and young people appeared together with the development of civilization and progress of technology. The most essential factor, because of the wide scale of availability, affluence of information and interactivity, is just the Internet. And although it is creating a lot of possibility, one should also remember that, as each new of civilization phenomenon, the Internet is also carrying a lot of threats besides the benefits, particularly for the young generation which is susceptible to technological novelties. Hence, it is extremely important, according to C. Guerreschi, so that “the ability of responsible using the network is to be developed at the same time together with getting the technical competence. As far as it is obvious on one hand that development of the Internet has brought in a lot of positive aspects for the life of individuals, it is worthwhile to remember what threats can be born in connection with using it”. In the present article the author introduces the notion, kinds and methods of cyberbullying as well as the characteristics of offenders of this sort of crime and the scale of a phenomenon
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