Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (273-291)
The Right to Information in the Light of European Standards of Human Rights
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Abstract. Information, being an interdisciplinary term, plays an important role in the process of communication forming, thus, the structure of knowledge. The notion of information should be understood as ordered data, or decontextualised sequences of signs that, in a deÞ ned set and together with some rules, create a set of information. When attempting to analyse the right to information, one should familiarise with that right in the context of freedom of expression, which implies the right to possess one’s own opinions, to pass, search and obtain information and ideas, as well as the right to the freedom of media. Considering the fact that the right to information discussed in international documents refers to various aspects of life and situational contexts, it is necessary to constantly Þ ne-tune regulations included both in the international standards of human rights in the universal system, as well as in the norms of the local law. The content of the right to information requires some improvements in the times of the information society for the notion of information has been evolving together with the civilisation progress. What has also been evolving is the feeling of endangerment as many modern mass media, including the internet, have occurred which triggered a kind of an explosion of information causing a lot of most varied emotions.
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Agreement of the Explanatory Report to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (The European Convention on Bioethics), in: T. Jasudowicz, Europejskie Standardy Bioetyczne, Wybór materiałów, Toruń 1998.
The Human Rights Committee, General Comment 10, 1983.
The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination as of the 7th of March 1966.
General Comments of the Human Rights Committee as of the 19th of July 1983.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as of the 19th of December 1966.
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography as of the 25th of May 2000.
The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with Regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, in: M. Balcerzak, Międzynarodowa ochrona praw człowieka. Wybór źródeł, Toruń 2007.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child as of the 20th of November 1989.
The European Court of Human Rights, Castells v. Spain, 1992, Point 42, in: Gronowska B., Jasudowicz T., Balcerzak M., Lubiszewski M., Mizerski R., Prawa... op. cit.
The European Court of Human Rights, Handyside v. the United Kingdom, 1976, Point 49, in: Ibid..
The European Court of Human Rights, Herczegfalvy v. Austria, 1992, Points 38 and 94, in: Ibid.
The European Court of Human Rights, Lingens v. Austria, 1986, Point 42, in: Ibid.
The European Court of Human Rights, Lingens v. Austria, 1986, Point 43, Oberschlick v. Austria, 1997, Point 33, in: ed: T. Jasudowicz, Wspólny... op. cit.
The European Court of Human Rights, Pedersen and Baadsgaard v. Denmark, 2004 r.
The European Court of Human Rights, Sirbu and others v. Moldova, 2004, Point 18.
The European Court of Human Rights, StruŜeni Jihoceske Matky v. the Czech Republic, 2006.
The European Court of Human Rights, Ukrainian Media Group v. Ukraine, 2005 r.
The Ministry of Justice, Department of International Cooperation and European Law, Poland’s Realisation of the Resolution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The 5th Periodical Report of the Realisation of the Resolution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by the Republic of Poland, Warsaw 2005.
Graham Baskin v. the United Kingdom, Adm. Dec., the 23rd of January 1986, Appl. No. 10454/83.
Case of Casado Coca v. Spain, Court Judgement, 24 February 1994.
Case of Castells v. Spain, Court Judgement, 23 April 1992.
Case of Chorherr v. Austria, Court Judgement, 25 August 1993.
Case of Goodwin v. the United Kingdom, Court Judgement, 27 March 1996.
Case of Hadjianastassiou v. Greece, Court Judgement, 16 December 1992.
Case of Informationsvere-in Lentia and others v. Austria, Court Judgement, 24 November 1993.
Case of Jersild v. Denmark, Court Judgement, 23 September 1994.
Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights as of the 29th of March 2005, Appl. No. 40287/98, text in: LEX No. 149053.
Kalderas Gipsie v. Germany and Netherlands, Adm. Dec., the 6th of July 1977, Appl. No. 7823-24/77, text in: T. Jasudowicz, Prawa rodziny - prawa w rodzinie w świetle standardów międzynarodowych. Orzecznictwo Strasburskie, Toruń 1999.
News Verlags GmbH v. Austria (2000), Point 39.
Case of Open Door and Dublin Well Woman v. Ireland, Court Judgement, 29 October 1992.
Case of Otto-Preminger Institute v. Austria, Court Judgement, 20 September 1994.
Case of Schwabe v. Austria, Court Judgement, 28 August 1992.
Case of Thorgeir Thoirgeirson v. Iceland, Court Judgement, 25 June 1992.
Fressoz and Roire v. France, Judgement as of the 21st of January.
Fressoz and Roire v. France, Judgement as of the 21st of January 291 1999, Appl. No. 29183/95, text in: I. C. Kamiński, Swoboda wypowiedzi w orzeczeniach Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu,Kraków 2003.
Weber Case, Court Judgement, 22 May 1990, in: ed: T. Jasudowicz, Wspólny... op. cit., pp. 424 - 425.
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