Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (149-166)
Religious security guarantees during the European Football Championship EURO 2012
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
For a long time in the human minds dilemmas related to the scope of liberty and freedom, security and duty, coercion, or violence has arisen. The border between these categories has been rarely talked about. The limit to the freedom or liberty is the safety of every person (Erasmus, 2012, p 46). It is believed that freedom manifests itself in spontaneous interaction. It emboldens when there are no mechanisms of control and self-control inside and outside. Mass events including the European Football Championship EURO 2012 may endanger the safety of others because there is a large variety of the gathered, based on race, colour sex, language, religion, political opinion, national extraction or any other situation. Duty of the state is to ensure safety for each person appearing in Polish territory, including religious security. The right to religious freedom and the right to security are fundamental rights which were requested earliest and most in the human history. The right to freedom of conscience and religion - more than any other fundamental rights– protects human being not only against the state and not just the minority against the majority, or a majority against any minority, but particularly against any threat, no matter from either side it could occur. Such right should be entitled to everyone. The state should refrain from any interference in the sphere of the human being. Defining the boundaries of the sphere and permitted exceptions take place in international agreements and national laws.
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