Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Modeling of employees in decision-making training games
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Human being is a complex and thinking creature. Its personality is evolving and the motives may be variable over time. Therefore it is a challenge to make far-reaching simplifications required to model employees in decision-making games. In analyzed serious games this simplifications are manifested in: → handling only effects of activities of employees, without isolating them as spontaneous entities, → recognition of employees only in general descriptions, requiring players to make simple decision, → conversion of virtual workers into the possibility of action for game players, → choosing a set of selected parameters relevant to the objectives pursued by the players and limiting to several factors characterizing the performance of employees, → choosing a set of selected measures that can be taken by the players towards employees; normally they include: hiring, remuneration, development and release. The use of the option of rejecting the roles of the virtual world employees to the gamers increases their identification with the objectives pursued in the framework of the game and evokes emotions that cause effective remembering of the facts in the game. The involvement of third parties (eg. the coach leading the game or actors) in a role-playing in game lets enter into the game soft aspects such as: communication, persuasion and negotiation, difficult to model through algorithms, and allows a clear illustration of plot elements relating to relationships.
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