Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (329-353)
Vocational training of police officers in the assessment of the participants
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi, ul. Sienkiewicza 4, 05-410, Józefów, Polska
The main subject matter of this paper is an assessment of effectiveness of the professional trainings held by Police officers. The study was concentrated on the Police officers training process in terms of its effectiveness and satisfaction of officers resulting from trainings. It was decided to learn if participation in the trainings is seen by policemen in the categories of benefits and satisfaction or in the categories of loss and no satisfaction. The diagnostic poll method was applied in the study, combined with use of the survey technique. The main tool was the poll questionnaire. The area of the study were two Police units: Polish Central Bureau of Investigation and Metropolitan Police Headquarters. The study covered 724 Police officers participating in different types of training events organized in the line of the professional development. The study facilitated concluding that the trainings meet expectations of most of the respondents, are organized according to a high standard and are useful in the continued service It results from the study that the general appraisal of the system of trainings for the Police officers is positive. Participation in the trainings, in particular in those with the prevalent practical classes, is conductive to effectiveness of the work. And the very participation in the trainings and the acquired new skills affect positively the decisions of superiors taken on professional promotions. Acquired knowledge is conductive also to development of professional interests and planning of the continued carrier. This is of effect on the declared will 330 | WSGE of participation in the next trainings, and on the continued growth of one’s knowledge. Participation in the training affects positively both the professional work and the motivation and satisfaction from work.
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