Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (281-307)
Anti – corruption legislation in the light of the Electoral Code and the Law on Political Parties
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The article is devoted was regulated defining political finance. The author pointed out that, a manifestation of political corruption is the area of political finance, including the violation of the provision of financial resources allocated to the activities of political parties, as well as making illegal contributions to the electoral committees. According to the author between business and politics are located temptation to influence the business of parliament and representatives of executive authorities - known as corruption. Political activity results in the need to dispose of the money. The article claimed that the legislature included provisions on criminal offenses of political corruption (in the light of the Law on Political Parties and the Electoral Code) refer primarily to the penalties of financial terms. Sporadic or reduce the penalty provided for imprisonment. In addition, noted that most of the provisions refers to the sanctions for inappropriate financial record keeping and financial reporting area. Presented by the author of the regulations affecting the issues related to the unlawful transfer of political parties (politicians) funds, which is extremely important in making the investigations by the authorities responsible for combating corrupt practices and transparency in the functioning of the state.
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